Construction Update: Powerhouse Arts

Southwest corner.
Construction is wrapping up on the future home of Powerhouse Arts in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. The not-for-profit Is focused on providing a platform for art production and employment. With its new home, Powerhouse Arts will provide fabrication and production facilities for wood, metal, ceramic, textile, and print. Herzog & de Meuron is leading the renovation of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Power Station that was built in 1903, including theTurbine Hall and a reconstructed Boiler House.
West facade.
Northwest corner.
Close-up of the southwest corner of the Boiler Room (left) and Turbine Hall (right).
Close-up of the Turbine Hall.
Close-up of the Turbine Hall.
Close-up of the northwest corner of the Boiler Room.
Architect: Herzog & de Meuron with PBDW Architects; Program: Contemporary Arts Center; Location: Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY; Completion: 2022.